Sharpening Services
"Bringing your blades back to life!"
Here at Phoenix Sharpening we offer a wide variety of services - from sharpening top quality hairdressing scissors, to bringing garden shears that were left outside all winter back to life.
We don't just sharpen your blades, we service and (if needed) repair them, to get them running as good as new.

Whilst a full list of everything we sharpen can be found HERE, these are a few of the more popular items we sharpen on a daily basis:
Clipper Blades
Circular Saws
Chainsaw Chains
We have state of the art machines, and because we're sharpening all these things regularly, our skills are kept fully "sharpened" and upto date with all the latest techniques and improvements.
We value each and every customer, and take great care with every blade that we sharpen. We know firsthand how important tools are to people, and will do everything we can to bring every blade we're given back to its former glory - whether it's a hairdressing scissor that's gone blunt from everyday use, or a knife that has been nicked and dented and no longer slices.

Getting your blades to us
If you've decided its time to get your blades sharpened, and you've found us, you've already done the hardest part! We have 4 separate options for the tools to get to our workshop and back, making your life as easy as possible.
Our favourite option is our free pick up and drop off option, where we arrive at your business to collect your tools, get them sharpened, then drop them back. No effort on your part! Our overnight service is almost identical, with the added benefit of being completed while you sleep - absolutely no downtime for you and your business!
Our drop off option is for those who may be working or have chores nearby, or simply have the time between jobs / a day off. Make your way upto our workshop, and we'll get them sharpened ready for pickup by you at an arranged time.
Our mail option is for everyone around the country. Simply mail in your scissors / clippers etc to our PO Box - we get them sharpened the SAME DAY we receive them, and get them straight back in the post to you - at no extra cost to you!
Please use the links below for detail on whichever option you think suits your circumstances best!
Our Scissor Sharpening & Service
When you bring a pair of scissors to Phoenix Sharpening Services, we do more than just sharpen your blades and give them back to you.
When we 1st get a pair of scissors, we'll start by making a test cut, and checking their balance. This lets us know how sharp (or blunt!) they are, and in what sort of condition they're in before we do anything. We'll then (on scissors where its possible) carefully take them apart, checking all the washers, screws and bolts that hold them together, and make sure that these are still functioning as planned - if not, they'll be replaced from our stock free of charge.
After this comes the most important part - the sharpen! We'll carefully check the cutting angle before if goes near our machine, and unless we've been asked to change it, we'll make sure it stays the same. This also applies to corrugated scissors - although the sharpening process removes the corrugation, we put in a new one with a specialised machine, again free of charge. Once we're happy we've got everything right, we'll go ahead and sharpen both blades of the scissor, making sure to give you the sharpest cutting edge.
After this, we'll polish them up (scissor dependant!) and screw them back together. At this point, we'll check the tension and balance, making small adjustments to make sure these are perfect. Once we're convinced everything is looking and functioning as well as possible we'll do a test cut, and there you have it - 1 freshly sharpened and serviced pair of scissors.
All of the following come as standard in our sharpen and service - No hidden extras.
Replace any deteriorated parts
Keep / Re-cut any corrugation in you scissors that you want us to
Sharpen and service left-handed scissors
Convex scissors (mainly seen in the hairdressing world) kept convex
Phoenix Sharpening is located in a custom-fitted workshop in the lovely village of East Hoathly. Our state of the art sharpening machines were picked and shipped in from across the globe to allow us to sharpen and service your blades to the highest quality.